Sunday, May 12, 2024

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

I just bought a new ice cream maker and the first recipe I made in it was this one. I prefer simple flavors and eggless recipes, also known as Philadelphia style (as opposed to custard or French style which contain eggs).

I've always used vanilla extract in my ice cream before but decided to try Vanilla Bean Paste and I loved the results.

I also used some half & half in place of some of the heavy whipping cream, mostly just to see if it made any difference since whipping cream has been so expensive. I thought it tasted great so I will likely use it in more recipes, but if you don't have it or don't want to use it, use 1 cup of whole milk and 2 cups of heavy whipping cream - or any combination of milk and cream to equal 3 cups.

This is the perfect base recipe to add various mix-ins to (chocolate chips, crushed Oreos, peanut butter cups, cookie dough, etc.) or just have it as plain vanilla! 

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream


1 cup whole milk, very cold

1/8 teaspoon salt

¾ cup granulated sugar

1 cup half and half, very cold

1 cup heavy cream, very cold

2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste


In a cold bowl, whisk together milk, salt and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Stir in half and half, heavy cream and vanilla bean paste.


Optional: Refrigerate mixture for at least 4-6 hours or overnight for better results (using a quart-sized mason jar works well to store this amount of mixture).


Pour cold mixture into ice cream maker's freezer bowl. Let it run for about 20-25 minutes or until ice cream is thick and done.


If adding something extra, mix for 15-20 minutes and then add 1/4 cup (or up to 1 cup):

·      Mini chocolate chips

·      Oreos

·      Snickers

·      Reese's cups

and mix for 5 more minutes.

Transfer ice cream to a container and place in the freezer for about 2 hours to completely firm up.

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